Learn to Play Marimba!

Who can play?  All ages, adults, teens and youth (from age 7)!
Both COMMUNITY (all ages) and AFTER-SCHOOL (youth) programs may be offered.

Not a musician, you say?  No problem!  Little to no experience is required.  Yet, skilled musicians also find playing in a marimba ensemble fun and rewarding!  Beginners are welcome, as well as, experienced musicians!

We teach aurally (through listening) so players need not read musical notations or even know the names of notes. Lessons are in a group environment, and the instruments are provided in the studio setting.

Each player (5-10 in a group) plays an individual part on marimba, that fits with all the other parts, creating a ‘BAND’ experience. Each part and each player is vital and important. Parts can be simple and repetitive or advanced for the seasoned musician, making it enjoyable for all skill levels.

Check out our PROGRAMS for opportunities to play!